Top factors to consider when choosing a learning platform

Your organization needs a Learning Management system Or a change of Learning management system. What factors affect the choice, and where does an open-source platform like Model come in? Important decisions about which learning management system to choose are often made by those who hold the purse strings or power within an organization, with, ideally, input from learning designers, educators, and even learners.


Whether cost outweighs the ease of use and functionality is debatable, but what is clear is that if you choose an open-source product like ModelĀ  Clinc CEO , you get a well-established stable LMS at no cost or at low cost. The Model can be installed free of charge, its maintenance costs depending on in-house IT skills. Alternatively, official Model partners will install and manage Model for you, at a much lower cost than other proprietary learning management systems.

Clinc CEO


Proponents of commercial and proprietary platforms argue that with open source, you are on your own if the system goes down. Buy a commercial LMS, and you receive a support package (paid). However, open-source products have consistently gathered large communities of like-minded developers and users around them, and Model is no exception.


Full of activity educators don’t have instances to study complex new ways to present their education materials, and learners will quickly (and literally) die out if the platform isn’t intuitive. An LMS should be easy to use, quick to learn, without the need for hours of training or troubleshooting. Each version of Model brings improvement to the border, taking into account convenience and cross-device functionality.

Mobile app

While you can’t easily write a dissertation on your Smartphone, you should be able to check your grades, receive alerts from your teacher, watch video tutorials, and participate in online class discussions. Teachers should be able to control group work and grade assignments. These are just the minimum features that an organization should look for when selecting an LMS. “Mobile first” might be a buzzword, but it’s absolutely essential in 21st-century learning. The Model app, available for Android and iOs, and as a desktop version, allows learners to do everything on their smart phones, which they can do on their computer, and can also be tagged with an organization theme.