correas dentadas

Understand the importance of the timing belt

For your engine to function properly, all of its parts must be running at a constant and timed speed. Timing belts keep the components of an engine connected. If your engine breaks or slips, you could end up stranded. Your timing belt should be regularly inspected by a professional automotive mechanic as part of regular vehicle maintenance to ensure that it does not wear out or become damaged.

The timing belt plays a vital role in your engine’s performance, which may surprise many drivers. Optimizing the engine’s performance is achieved by syncing its operations. A timing belt connects the crankshaft and pistons in the lower half of the engine with the camshafts and intake and exhaust valves in the upper half. It keeps them running at the same pace.

The correas dentadas is gradually stretched by heat and stress as the car is driven. As it stretches and deteriorates, the teeth of the belt wear out, which can cause it to “slip” or even break. If the camshaft slips or breaks, the camshaft positioning can be affected, and this has a very low tolerance. During this process, the valves and pistons can make contact with the engine, resulting in destructive damage that is extremely expensive to repair.

correas dentadas

If this important component should break or slip while you are driving your vehicle, you may experience an abrupt halt in the engine and may have to coast to a quick stop. Tow trucks will be needed to transport your vehicle to an automotive repair shop if you’re stranded. When the belt breaks, time and money are wasted.

Under most protective covers, correas dentadas are hidden from sight and cannot be easily inspected. To determine whether it should be replaced, you will need the assistance of a certified mechanic. The timing belts usually drive the water pump as well, so replacing the water pump usually requires removing the timing belt. It is also better to replace the water pump along with the belt to prevent from occurrence of water pump repair.

A replacement has been a costly procedure, due to the high labor cost for replacing it. Preventive repair procedures need to be done on your vehicle. The Interval of replacing the timing belt may vary according to the engines and vehicle driving speed. If you experience any problem with the engine do not hesitate to check the timing belt and change it.

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