commercial carpet cleaning

The Cost of Carpet Cleaning and Whether It Is Worth It

Carpet cleaning is an important part of maintaining a clean and healthy home. However, it can be a costly endeavor, especially if you hire a professional service. In this article, we will take a look at the cost of carpet cleaning and whether it is worth the investment.

The cost of commercial carpet cleaning:

Commercial carpet cleaning services typically charge by the square foot. For a standard 12×12 room, you can expect to pay anywhere from $60 to $120. Larger rooms may cost more, and smaller rooms may cost less. Additionally, many companies charge extra for Stain Removal, Pet Odor Removal, and other special services.

How much does a carpet cleaning machine cost?

Carpet cleaning machines typically cost between $200 and $300. Some machines are less expensive, and some are more expensive. Many companies offer discounts for multiple machines, so if you plan on buying more than one, be sure to ask about discounts.

The benefits of commercial carpet cleaning:

Commercial carpet cleaning services not only remove dirt, dust, and stains from your carpets, but they also help to prolong the life of your carpets. Regular cleaning can help to extend the life of your carpets by 2-3 years. Additionally, office cleaning in Fort Wayne can remove harmful allergens and bacteria from your home, improving the air quality and making it a healthier environment for your family.

The bottom line:

The cost of commercial carpet cleaning is worth the investment if you want to maintain clean and healthy carpets. While the initial cost may be higher than cleaning your carpets yourself, the long-term benefits of professional carpet cleaning are worth the investment. Your customers and clients will appreciate a clean and healthy environment. In addition, your employees will be more productive in an environment that is clean and free of dust and dirt.


Carpet cleaning is an important part of keeping your home clean and healthy. However, the cost of commercial carpet cleaning can be high. In this article, we have looked at the cost of carpet cleaning and whether it is worth the investment. Ultimately, the decision of whether to hire a professional carpet cleaning service is up to you.

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