Benefits comparison between Internet Marketing and Face-to-Face Advertising

marketing concept

What exactly is Internet Marketing, you might ask? It is most effective way to get your company or concept in front of millions rather than thousands of people. Let’s pretend you’re starting a company like Smart Circle international. This company has a lot of potentials. Many people would be troubled if they didn’t give your company what it has to offer a chance. Now you only have to get your items and services in front of them.

  • So, how well-versed in marketing are you?

If you’re anything like me, you’d tell everyone you know about this fantastic business you’ve launched. I mean, once your entire family and circle of friends learn that you are now a business owner, they will undoubtedly begin to send you business. Right? Then there are the dreaded cold calls. Obtaining a list of names of people or other businesses is a near-certain strategy to bring business your way. The beating of the pavement has begun. There is always a team of employees entrusted with getting the product to the people in the business world. You’ll be out from early morning until late afternoon in this situation. Your company should be on fire right now!

marketing concept

  • Now comes the hard part: it’s a lot more complicated than you anticipated.

Being told no can indeed be discouraging. Your family and friends, while kind, aren’t quite as enthusiastic as you are. They hear what you say, but they aren’t always interested in becoming a customer. Because you’ve never owned a firm before, let’s say you’ll have to prove yourself to them. How’s it doing with the cold calls? How about getting disconnected and instructed not to call again? All of these things are excellent confidence enhancers. Last but not least, there’s pounding the pavement. It’s not just exhausting for your feet and legs, but it’s also a constant dance. The waltz with the doorman is a must-do.


Okay, these were all exaggerated representations of old-school marketing. Yes, these methods can yield some, if not many, favourable outcomes. When internet technology arrived on the scene, it ushered in a much larger marketing stage. Who thought the internet would become a platform where millions of people could look for and discover practically anything they needed? This 300-pound gorilla has been transformed into the world’s most powerful marketing force. You may now build a website such as smart circle international that will do ten times more for you than the old tactics.