Why is it important to clean your bong?


The development of smoking accessories made of silicone was a significant step forward, particularly for stoners who are prone to mishaps and for those who wish to be able to bring their water pipes with them everywhere they go. Silicone bongs are able to withstand the drops, bangs, and dings that are associated with passing around a glass bong among a group of friends or during regular use. As a result, you won’t have to worry about your friend accidentally breaking your glass bong beyond the point of repair if they drop it. If you want to buy a silicone bong, check out Tokeplanet.com.

A smoke- and fire-safe polymer, food-grade silicone is resistant to high temperatures and can even withstand boiling water. Even kitchen accessories designed to resist high temperatures, such as potholders and trivets, may be crafted from silicone. The majority of people who use marijuana eventually come to like their silicone bongs due to the fact that they are both really lightweight and extremely difficult to break. The cleaning of the silicone bong is by far the most often asked question. In point of fact, it is pretty similar to the process of cleaning a glass bong or glass pipe.

The Reasons To Keep Your Silicone Bong Clean 

Unfortunately, there are a lot of individuals who do not fully grasp how important it is to have a consistent cleaning regimen, and as a result, they wind up having sessions that are disappointing time and time again.

It makes for better airflow.

When you take a hit from the bong, minute bits of debris from the ash and resin stick to the inside walls of the bong. This happens every time you take a hit. Over time, this debris may collect to the point where it will interfere with airflow. This means that you may discover that you are able to inhale less smoke with each hit, and that it will be more difficult for you to take smooth, thick puffs of smoke. Keeping the airflow channels free of debris may be accomplished by cleaning it up, which will allow the smoke to flow as it should.

Improves Flavor

The presence of such material has a number of detrimental effects on the movement of air. Additionally, it messes with the flavour since the smoke contains minuscule bits of the debris, which add to a bitter or charred aftertaste. Getting rid of all of this material might have a significant effect on the taste of the smoke produced by your device.

Appearance of your bong will be improved.

It goes without saying that cleaning your bong will make it seem better. A filthy bong is an unappealing thing to look at, which is particularly problematic if you prefer to show off your pipe with a sense of pride.